Proper pre and post care is essential to achieving optimal results. If there are any outstanding questions after reading the information provided below, please do not hesitate to call us. We want to ensure all of your questions are thoroughly answered.


  • If you have open wounds or lesions, severe or cystic acne, active herpes or cold sores in the treatment area, please contact our office the day before your appointment.

  • Ultherapy is contraindicated for patients with active mechanical implants (i.e. pacemakers or defibrillators), implanted electrical devices, metallic implants in the treatment area, or metal stents in the face and neck area.

  • If you have a history of: active or local skin disease that may alter wound healing, auto

  • immune disease, hemorrhagic or bleeding disorders, diabetes, pregnancy, herpes or cold sores, keloid scarring, Bell’s palsy, epilepsy, or migraines, ask your provider if the procedure is appropriate for you.

  • If you have had cosmetic fillers or threads within the treatment area, ask your provider if the procedure is appropriate for you.

  • Avoid blood-thinning medications*, supplements, foods, and substances for 3 days prior to treatment (If you are prescribed a blood thinning medication such as aspirin or an anticoagulant by your doctor for a cardiovascular condition, then please check with your doctor prior to stopping the medication.)

  • Discontinue the use of topical products containing AHAs, Retinols, tretinoin, or Vitamin A 3 days prior to your Ultherapy procedure.

  • It is recommended that patients consume a good meal prior to coming to the clinic for service, and take 800 mg OTC pain reliever (such as Tylenol) 1 hour prior to treatment.

  • Pro-Nox (self-administered nitrous oxide) is available at the patient’s request. Nitrous oxide leaves the system within 10–15 minutes of last inhalation, and therefore does not require a driver for transportation purposes.

Pre-treatment instructions

  • Some patients experience redness, which typically resolves on its own within a few hours of the treatment.

  • Some patients may have mild swelling following treatment, which typically resolves in 3–72 hours.

  • Patients often experience tenderness to the touch, which typically resolves in 2 days–2 weeks.

    • Occasionally patients experience mild bruising, which typically resolves in 2 days–2 weeks.

    • You may wear makeup immediately following your treatment.

Post-treatment instructions