
Erase wrinkles and fine lines with Botox & Dysport.

Fine lines and wrinkles are totally natural, but not all of us welcome them with open arms. Sun exposure, aging, and repeated facial expressions all contribute to lines and wrinkles forming. One of the easiest and most popular wrinkle treatments?

A little Botox!

Botox and Dysport are two of the most popular injectable treatments available to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, crow's feet, and frown lines. The result is a naturally youthful appearance that will leave you feeling refreshed, revitalized, and confident.


Both Botox and Dysport are neuromodulators, meaning they target the nerve cells that are responsible for wrinkles and fine lines. Specifically, they block signals from the nerves to the muscles, causing them to relax.

When injected in small doses into specific areas of the face, Botox and Dysport can reduce and even eliminate those pesky wrinkles and fine lines!

Perfecting Session

To ensure the best results, we encourage you to come back for a perfecting session. During this follow-up, we’ll provide you with a touchup of the treatment area and ensure the desired outcome is achieved.

Treatable Conditions:

  • Crow's feet

  • Frown lines

  • Forehead lines

  • Lip lines

  • Bunny lines

  • Lip flip

  • Gummy smile

  • Facial slimming

  • Nefertiti neck lift

  • Shoulder tension

  • Platysmal bands

Treatment highlights

Treatment time: 15-30 minutes

Recovery time: None

Results in: 5-10 days

Results last: 3-4 months


The Botox Lip Flip offers a non-surgical alternative for individuals who desire a subtle enhancement to their lip shape and contour, providing a more youthful and fuller appearance. Unlike traditional lip filler injections, which add volume to the lips, the Botox Lip Flip focuses on enhancing the shape and contour of the lips by relaxing the muscles around the mouth area. During the procedure, a small amount of Botox is injected into the muscles surrounding the upper lip. This temporarily relaxes the muscles, causing the lip to naturally roll slightly upward, creating the illusion of a more pouty and full upper lip. The Botox Lip Flip can also help smooth out fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth area.

Treatment highlights

Treatment time: 15-30 minutes

Recovery time: None

Results in: 5-10 days

Results last: 3-4 months


The Nefertiti Botox Neck Lift is a cosmetic procedure that utilizes Botox injections to improve the appearance of the neck and jawline, giving it a more youthful and contoured look. Named after Queen Nefertiti, known for her slender and graceful neck, this procedure focuses on treating the platysma muscle in the neck area. During the Nefertiti Botox Neck Lift, Botox is injected along the jawline and into the platysma muscle. The platysma muscle is responsible for sagging and vertical bands in the neck area. By targeting and relaxing this muscle, the procedure helps tighten and lift the skin, reducing the appearance of jowls and enhancing the overall contour of the lower face and neck.

Treatment highlights

Treatment time: 15-30 minutes

Recovery time: None

Results in: 5-10 days

Results last: 3-4 months

Frequently asked questions

  • With Dysport, you will start to see results within 5-7 days. You will see the effects of the Botox injections between 10-14 days. We offer a complimentary “perfecting” session 14 days after treatment.

  • This depends on individual clients, but typically it can last between 3-4 months. You will know you need a touch-up when you notice the muscles in the area contracting more easily.

  • No! Injections are done with a very fine needle, which causes minimal discomfort. Many of our clients say the sensation feels like a light pinch, but nothing more than that.

    We offer several options to alleviate the discomfort. To learn more about our pain and anxiety management, you can learn more about it here.

  • Side effects with Botox & Dysport are typically minimal. Some patients may experience slight redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site. These side effects usually go away within a few hours without any intervention.

Before & After Swoon Botox & Dysport Treatments

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