
Our team at Swoon Aesthetic Spa is dedicated to ensuring your comfort and minimizing any pain or anxiety you may experience during your visit.

We offer a comprehensive range of pain and anxiety management techniques to ensure a comfortable and relaxed experience for our clients & we will work closely with you to determine which combination of pain management techniques is best suited for your individual needs.


PRO-NOX is an innovative pain and anxiety management system that is designed to provide quick-acting relief during medical and aesthetic procedures. It is a self-administered nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas) system that allows patients to control their own pain and anxiety levels. Here are some key features and benefits of PRO-NOX:

  • Self-Administration: The PRO-NOX system is designed for self-administration, meaning that the patient has control over when and how much nitrous oxide they receive. This control empowers patients to customize their pain relief experience according to their individual needs

  • Quick-Acting Relief: Nitrous oxide is known for its fast-acting effects. When inhaled, it quickly reaches the bloodstream and produces a sense of relaxation, reduced anxiety, and pain relief. This makes it an ideal option for patients who want immediate relief during their procedures

  • Rapid Recovery: One of the advantages of nitrous oxide is its rapid elimination from the body. After the procedure, patients can quickly recover and resume their daily activities without any lingering effect

  • Safety: PRO-NOX is considered safe when used as directed by healthcare professionals. It has a proven track record in medical and aesthetic practices.

PRO-NOX is often used in various procedures, including injectables, laser treatments, or any other treatment that may cause discomfort or anxiety. It provides a safe and effective way to manage pain and anxiety, creating a more comfortable experience for clients. As always, it is important to consult with trained professionals at Swoon Aesthetic Spa who can assess your specific needs and provide guidance on the optimal use of PRO-NOX for your individual situation.

Treatment highlights

How long it lasts: Continuous/as needed

Recovery time: Immediately

How it’s administered: Inhaled

Frequently asked questions

  • The duration of the effects from PRO-NOX can vary depending on the individual and the amount of nitrous oxide inhaled. Generally, the effects of PRO-NOX last for a brief period of time, typically ranging from 2 to 5 minutes after inhalation. However, it's important to note that the effects wear off quickly once the administration of nitrous oxide is stopped. Because PRO-NOX is a self-administered nitrous oxide system, the duration of its effects can also be influenced by how often and how deeply a person inhales the nitrous oxide. Some individuals may experience the effects for a shorter or longer duration based on their unique response. During your visit to Swoon Aesthetic Spa, our professionals will provide guidance on using PRO-NOX and will ensure you have a comfortable and safe experience. They will instruct you on the appropriate timing and usage to help manage any pain or anxiety you may have.

  • Pro-Nox, also known as nitrous oxide, is safe when used properly and under the supervision of a healthcare professional. It has been used for many years in dental procedures and even during labor and delivery to provide pain relief and reduce anxiety.

  • Pro-Nox, or nitrous oxide, can cause dizziness, lightheadedness, or impair coordination in some individuals. This effect will wear off within several minutes of discontinuing, making it safe to drive after your procedure.


Topical numbing creams, also known as local anesthetics, are products that are applied directly to the skin to temporarily numb the area before a procedure or treatment. They work by blocking nerve signals in the skin, reducing or eliminating pain sensations during the procedure. Here are some key points about topical numbing creams:

  • Application: Topical numbing creams are typically applied generously to the treatment area and should be given enough time to take effect. The cream is usually left on the skin for a specified period, allowing the active ingredients to penetrate and numb the area

  • Duration: Typically, the numbing effect can last anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours. It's important to follow the instructions provided by your aesthetician for the most effective and safe use

  • Common Uses: Topical numbing creams are commonly used in various aesthetic procedures such as laser hair removal, tattooing, microneedling, and minor skin surgeries. They help to minimize discomfort and pain associated with these treatments, making them more tolerable

At Swoon Aesthetic Spa, our experienced professionals will assess your specific needs and recommend the appropriate topical numbing cream for your procedure. They will provide instructions on its application, duration, and any precautions to ensure the best possible outcomes. Topical numbing creams can significantly enhance your comfort and reduce pain during aesthetic procedures.

Treatment highlights

How long it lasts: 30-180 minutes

Recovery time: Immediately

How it’s administered: Topically


Stress balls and fidget gadgets are simple but effective tools that can help alleviate anxiety, improve focus, and provide a sense of relaxation. Here are some key points about stress balls and fidget gadgets:

  • Stress Balls: Stress balls are small, pliable objects that can be squeezed and manipulated with your hands. They are typically made from foam, rubber, or gel-filled materials. Squeezing a stress ball can help relieve tension, reduce muscle stiffness, and provide a physical outlet for stress or anxiety

  • Fidget Gadgets: Fidget gadgets are small handheld devices that offer various movements or sensory experiences. They are designed to keep your hands busy and your mind engaged, which can be particularly helpful for individuals who struggle with restlessness or the need for constant movement. Fidget gadgets often include features like buttons, sliders, switches, spinners, or textured surfaces to provide sensory stimulation

  • Anxiety Relief: Both stress balls and fidget gadgets can help redirect anxious thoughts and provide a sensory distraction. Engaging with these tools can help reduce anxiety symptoms by occupying the hands and mind, providing a calming effect, and promoting relaxation

At Swoon Aesthetic Spa, we offer stress balls and a variety of fidget gadgets for our clients to use during their treatments. These tools are available to help promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and provide a positive sensory experience. Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you in selecting the right stress ball or fidget gadget that suits your needs.

Treatment highlights

How long it lasts: N/A

Recovery time: N/A

How it’s administered: Sensory input


Ice packs are available to help reduce any swelling, inflammation, or discomfort that may occur after certain treatments. Ice can provide a soothing and numbing effect on the skin, helping to alleviate pain and promote healing. Here are some key points about using ice for pain:

  • Cold Therapy: Applying ice or cold packs to the affected area is a form of cold therapy. Cold temperatures help constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the area, which can help decrease inflammation, swelling, and pain

  • Numbing Effect: Ice can have a numbing effect on the area it is applied to, temporarily dulling pain sensations

  • Reducing Inflammation: Ice helps limit the release of inflammatory substances and can reduce the activity of pain receptors in the area. By minimizing inflammation, ice can contribute to pain relief and promote faster healing

  • Timing and Duration: It's important to apply ice right before & right after treatment is administered for best results. Continuing to apply ice throughout the next 48 hours can help reduce swelling and bruising that may occur with certain treatments

Treatment highlights

How long it lasts: Dependent on duration

Recovery time: N/A

How it’s administered: Compress


Our spa offers vibration T-bars, which are handheld devices that gently massage the treatment area. The vibrations help to distract nerve endings and create a soothing sensation, reducing pain and anxiety during procedures. Here are some key points about vibration T-bars:

  • Vibration T-bars offer several potential benefits for pain and anxiety management. They can help relax muscles, promote circulation, and provide a soothing effect. The vibrations stimulate the nerve endings in the skin and underlying tissues, which can help alleviate pain, tension, and discomfort

  • The vibrations generated by T-bars can help distract nerve endings and disrupt pain signals. This can be particularly beneficial for localized pain

  • The gentle vibrations from the T-bar can provide a calming and relaxing sensation, helping to reduce anxiety and stress levels. The repetitive motion and sensory stimulation can promote a sense of relaxation and well-being

  • Vibration T-bars can be used in conjunction with other pain management techniques or relaxation strategies to enhance their effectiveness. For example, using a vibration T-bar along with topical numbing creams, ice therapy, or deep breathing exercises can create a comprehensive approach to pain and anxiety management

Treatment highlights

How long it lasts: Dependent on duration

Recovery time: N/A

How it’s administered: Applied directly to area.


The Zimmer Cryo device is a cooling system that blows cold air onto the treatment area. This innovative technology numbs the skin and minimizes pain, making it particularly beneficial for procedures that involve heat or laser treatments. Here's some additional information about the Zimmer:

  • Cooling Technology: The Zimmer device utilizes advanced cooling technology to provide a stream of cold air. It blows chilled air onto the treatment area, helping to cool the skin and provide pain relief during various procedures

  • Pain Relief and Comfort: The primary purpose of the Zimmer is to alleviate discomfort and reduce pain during treatments that may generate heat or cause discomfort. The cold air numbs the skin and provides a soothing effect, minimizing the sensations associated with procedures such as laser hair removal, or skin resurfacing

  • Anti-Inflammatory Effects: The cooling effect of the Zimmer can help reduce inflammation and swelling that may occur during or after certain treatments. By cooling the tissue, it constricts blood vessels, limiting blood flow and reducing the inflammatory response

  • Temperature Control: The Zimmer device allows for precise temperature control, which means the intensity of the cold air can be adjusted according to the patient's comfort level and the specific requirements of the treatment

Treatment highlights

How long it lasts: Dependent on duration

Recovery time: N/A

How it’s administered: Blown directly toward area.


For certain procedures, we may offer lidocaine injections to provide localized numbing. Lidocaine is a commonly used anesthetic that helps to block pain signals in the area being treated, ensuring a more comfortable experience. Here's some additional information about lidocaine injections:

  • Lidocaine is a type of local anesthetic. It works by blocking nerve signals in the area where it is injected, temporarily numbing the region and reducing or eliminating pain sensations in localized areas

  • The duration of numbness provided by lidocaine injections can vary depending on the concentration of the solution used and individual factors. Typically, the numbness lasts for a limited duration, ranging from a few minutes to a few hours.

  • Lidocaine injections can be used in combination with other pain management techniques, such as topical numbing creams or nerve blocks, to enhance their effectiveness. The specific combination of techniques utilized will depend on the procedure and individual patient needs.

Treatment highlights

How long it lasts: Varies

Recovery time: N/A

How it’s administered: Injection

Ready to reach your aesthetic goals painlessly?
Book an appointment with our team today!