Proper pre and post care is essential to achieving optimal results. If there are any outstanding questions after reading the information provided below, please do not hesitate to call us. We want to ensure all of your questions are thoroughly answered.

  • ABSOLUTELY Avoid any type of sunburn or sun tan for 4 weeks prior to laser treatments. Treatment of tanned skin can increase the risk of blistering and/or permanent skin discoloration. PROLONGED SUN EXPOSURE IS TO BE AVOIDED FOR 4 WEEKS BEFORE AND AFTER TREATMENTS.

  • Do not use any self-tanning lotions or spray tans in the month prior to treatment.

  • Stop using Retin-A, Renova, Differin, or tretinoin for one week prior to treatment.

  • You need to use Hydroquinone Cream 4% for 4 weeks prior to a treatment to reduce the possibility of complications. If you do, a prescription will be called into the pharmacy of your choice.

  • Please inform us if you have any history of “herpes”, “cold sores”, or “fever blisters”. In such instances, we recommend taking Valtrex 500mg, 1 tablet twice a day for 5 days starting on the day before the laser treatment. Like sunlight, laser
    light may cause a cold sore or fever blister leading to more serious complications.

Pre-treatment instructions

  • Intense burning, redness, warmth, and a sunburned sensation are normal responses following a MicroLaser Peel. The discomfort and redness generally last 2-8 hours after the procedure. Cool compresses with a damp, soft cloth for 10-20 minutes at a time may help relieve the temporary discomfort. Ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, Motrin, or Tylenol can be taken as directed for pain.

  • Vaseline should be applied 2-4 times daily during the first 3 days. It is important for the treated area to remain soft and pliable during healing. The skin should not be allowed to dry out.

  • Within 48 hours the redness will have significantly improved. The day after the procedure, your skin will feel tight and may be itchy. Peeling or flaking will start on the 2nd or 3rd day following your treatment. NO MATTER HOW TEMPTING, DO NOT PICK OR SCRUB YOUR SKIN. Let the peeling and flaking occur naturally over the course of 7-10 days.

  • Quick cool to warm showers are recommended for the first 3 days. Use a mild cleanser such as CeraVe then reapply the Aquaphor ointment.

  • Aerobic exercise, saunas, and hot tubs should be avoided for 3 days.

  • Avoid use of topical skin care products containing retin-A, retinol, tretinoin, glycolic acid, or salicylic acid for 1 week.

  • Makeup can be used on the third day after the procedure. Caution should be used when applying and removing makeup. The treated area may be delicate and should be treated with care.

  • Some patients will wake up with facial swelling, particularly around the eyes for several days following the treatment. This is normal and usually resolves within 3-5 days.

  • PROLONGED SUN EXPOSURE IS TO BE AVOIDED FOR 4 WEEKS BEFORE AND AFTER TREATMENT. A total sunblock containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide should be applied daily if you are in the sun. If further treatments are needed, a commitment to stay out of the sun is necessary. Sun exposure may cause certain complications such as permanent skin discoloration.

  • For patients who have a history of frequent cold sores, you should be taking an anti-viral medication such as Valtrex or Famvir for 5 days after the laser peel.

Post-treatment instructions